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My work explores patterns in socio-cultural development that define the female condition in contemporary and historical times. Referencing my photos of women in everyday scenes, my installations are like modern simulacra, seeking to present an amplified version of realism. In the constructions of painted canvases and sculptural appendages, I aim to capture an isolated moment to reflect on its significance and record that moment into Herstory. Ultimately, I hope to reveal a shared humanity between cultures and continue the questioning of the constraints of gender roles inherent through identity.

Please find more detailed artist statements in "Paintings & Installations"

Interviews and installation videos below. Please click images or titles.

OpenStudioMira   EveryGirlOutrider   queenchair
Blue Star Open Studios Mira Hnatyshyn   "Every Girl Wants To Be Queen" Mira Hnatyshyn at Outrider Art & Objects   Detail from "Every Girl Wants To Be Queen" by Mira Hnatyshyn
florecervideoscreenshot   wishesvideoscreenshot   BusStopMahcke
"Florecer" Installation   "Wishes At Gion Matsuri" at C7 Gallery   "Bus Stop" in Mahncke Park CAM San Antonio
